

    Q. What is expiratory pressure relief (EPR™)?

    A. EPR™ gently lowers the pressure delivered to you as you exhale – making it easier to breathe out against the air pressure. When EPR is enabled, the delivered pressure will not drop below 4 cm H2O.

    Q. What do the icons on the device screen mean?

    A. A full list of icons and their descriptions can be found in your user guide.

    Q. What is AutoRamp™ with sleep onset detection?

    A. This ramp setting is designed to make the beginning of therapy more comfortable. It begins by delivering a low start pressure to help you fall asleep with ease. Then, using its sleep onset detection capability, it comfortably starts ramping up to your prescribed pressure the moment it detects you’ve fallen asleep.

    Q. How does the Ramp feature work?

    A. The Ramp feature on your device is designed to make the beginning of therapy more comfortable. Ramp time is the period during which the therapy pressure increases from a low start pressure to the prescribed treatment pressure. Ramp time can be set between 5 and 45 minutes, or can be switched off. Note: In an auto-adjusting device like the AirSense™ 10 AutoSet, end-of-ramp time is when the auto-adjusting algorithm starts monitoring and responding to your individual breathing patterns.

    Q. How do I set up oxygen with an AirSense™ 10 or AirCurve™ 10 device?

    A. If you require oxygen, you will need to use an oxygen port. ResMed recommends using the Oxygen Connector Port, but an Oxygen Side Port Connector may also be used. If you're using the Standard or SlimLine™ air tubing, we recommend that you place the oxygen port between the device and the air tubing. If you're using the ClimateLineAir™ heated tubing, then the port will need to be fitted between the tubing and the mask.

    Q. How do I clean my device?

    A. The material used for the filter is not intended to be cleaned but the filter can be replaced.